[MERGE] 1.5? Suppress DeprecationWarning in official releases

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Thu May 29 00:17:28 BST 2008

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 8:49 AM, John Arbash Meinel
<john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> |> I added tests for everything as well, since I had to work out how to
> inspect
> |> warnings.filters anyway. This doesn't pay attention if someone would do
> |> something like "-Wfoo:error" or some other custom handling, but it works
> for
> |> what *we* do as a project, which is enough for me.
> |
> | This is still modifying cmd_selftest, and I suggested we should just
> | handle -W in the code called from the bzr main routine.  In other
> | words it is suppress_deprecation_warnings that needs to be changed.
> |
> I can certainly do that, but I *did* want to enable deprecation warnings if
> people were running 'bzr selftest' on an official release. (even without
> - -Werror). That way if you are running selftest, you see that your plugin
> is
> throwing deprecation warnings.

OK, that makes sense.

Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>

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