Out of dir BZR repository?

Sabin Iacob iacobs at m0n5t3r.info
Tue May 27 16:03:25 BST 2008

Jorgen Bodde wrote:
> Hi Sabin,
> Does this still mean the checkins are done in the SVN tree? That is
> not what I want. This is my scenario:
> 1. I check out from SVN (the main branch)

bzr co svn_uri local_mirror
bzr branch local_mirror feature_branch

> 2. I work on my sources in there but want to use BZR to store local
> changes so I don't screw up between "minor changes"

cd feature_branch
hack, hack, commit

> 3. Step 2 is repeated as long as my sources are not mature yet for
> check into SVN
> 4. When I feel confident that the source I created works and does not
> break builds, I check in SVN the working source

cd local_mirror
bzr up
bzr merge ../feature_branch
bzr ci -m "meaningful summary here"


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