Feature request, multiple '--starting-with' options

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Tue May 20 21:56:00 BST 2008

>>>>> "john" == John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:

    john> I don't know how hard it would be to do, but one thing
    john> I just encountered is wanting to load 2 sets of
    john> tests. Specifically:

    john> bzrlib.tests.test_missing.*
    john> and
    john> bzrlib.tests.blackbox.test_missing.*

    john> I don't know how hard it would be to implement this,


    john> but I thought I would at least put it up for
    john> discussion. Certainly I can just run 2x and supply it
    john> each time.

    john> Just a thought,

I had it too, --starting-with should just be allowed multiple
times on command line. I didn't implement it at first because
when running a lot of tests I care less about them starting
quickly. So a single instance seemed enough.

I plan to try various improvements in a plugin because I can't
imagine finding the right UI without playing a bit with them, and
certainly I don't imagine finding the right answer for everyone
without involving everyone :)

So, since John started it, here are some more ideas on the
subject (some already proposed by Martin and John):

- make bzrlib.tests optional (but what about bzrlib.plugins),

- accept BT and BP as aliases for bzrlib.tests and bzrlib.plugins

- accept a leading period for declaring various namespaces .T
  (bzrlib.tests), .P (bzrlib.plugings) .B
  (bzrlib.tests.blackbox), etc

- fuzzy match unambiguous starting names (requires some caching
  for the complete test list udpated magically) btb
  (bzlib.tests.blackbox), bpg (bzrlib.plugins.gtk),

- enable completion from shell (requires same magic cache for
  test list),

Any feedback welcome,


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