Content filter sample 2: keywords plugin

Martin Pool mbp at
Tue May 20 06:49:55 BST 2008

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 3:20 PM, Ian Clatworthy
<ian.clatworthy at> wrote:
> Martin Pool wrote:

> That sounds good. I was wondering whether supporting Python's builtin
> codec names was a sensible option as well. Would that be viewed as
> being powerful? Or overly complex?

If they do similar things you might as well make the names the same.
I can imagine people eventually wanting Erlang or TeX escapes or other
things not in Python builtins, but beyond the naming this gets a bit

>> Current _when_?
> When the command is run. It's calculated once so all files
> output at once will get the same value embedded.

My point is that within the scope of this document it is not clear
which commands update them and when.

Martin <>

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