No subject

Tue Apr 29 15:47:36 BST 2008

"dos" as decribed above and in the README.  In both cases, the EOL styles of
the local files will always be "native" - it is only the repo storage which
differs.  In all cases where the README talks about 'eol=dos', the actual
observed behaviour of bzr to a casual user is identical to that of
'eol=native'.  In other words, it seems like the choice between "dos" and
"native" is an optimization (avoiding transformation) that doesn't affect
the functionality seen by the user in how their newlines are treated.
Windows-only users may deduce from the readme that, because they want "DOS
newline standards" locally, they should use eol=dos - in other words, I'm
not sure we want to be ambiguous about what the recommended default value
for Windows is.
The table shows that there are 2 discrete things of interest - "commit
newlines as" and "On checkout, convert newlines to" - it still seems clearer
to me to keep them as separate options rather than trying to come up with
names that intuitively describe the various combinations.  That would make
the above problem go away - one option for the *user* that has the same
recommended default on all platforms, and one option that is considered
"advanced" for optimizing windows-centric repositories and is largely
invisible to users of the branch.


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