help requested for stitching the history of 3 VCSes

James Henstridge james at
Mon May 19 07:48:56 BST 2008

2008/5/17 Jeff <web.kiddo at>:
> Sorry for replying slowly, school as usual :) So, I just spent a while
> trying to use your suggestion but I am stuck again. What I did was
> bzr branch specto-cvs-rrp specto-cvs-rrp-rebaseprep (this would be used to
> add a "new" commit between the cvs and svn version)
> bzr branch specto-svn specto-svn-rev2 (and bzr revert -r2)
> then move/remove/add some stuff around in specto-cvs-rrp-rebaseprep by
> comparing with specto-svn-rev2:
> added data
> added
> added data/doc
> renamed glade => data/glade
> renamed icons => data/icons
> renamed AUTHORS => data/doc/AUTHORS
> renamed COPYING => data/doc/COPYING
> renamed ChangeLog => data/doc/ChangeLog
> renamed HACKING => data/doc/HACKING
> renamed INSTALL => data/doc/INSTALL
> renamed VERSION => data/doc/VERSION
> added po/
> renamed => po/
> renamed specto => src/
> deleted NEWS
> deleted README
> deleted TODO
> deleted
> deleted
> deleted templates
> deleted templates/
> deleted templates/
> Committed revision 262.
> bzr branch specto-cvs-rrp-rebaseprep specto-rebase
> cd specto-rebase
> bzr replay -r1..85 ../specto-svn
> (I also tried bzr replay -r2..85 ../specto-svn)
> ..and now I am stuck with tracebacks (attached to this message). I'm lost. I
> feel I'm pretty close but I must be missing something, or doing it wrong.
> I have compressed all the bzr branches I am using in this, into a tar/lzma
> archive if it can help: file-roller
> should be able to open it.

If you've done a commit to the specto-rebase branch to make it look
like r2 of specto-svn, then you should run "bzr replay -r 3..85
../specto-svn" (since you already have something like r2).


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