Keyword expansion; Fire and forget keywords

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Mon May 19 02:22:00 BST 2008

Markus Mayer wrote:

> It would be great to have some sort of $keyword$ that wouldn't get
> expanded, but replaced. (Maybe by not marking it with single dollar
> signs, but with double dollars, so that "$Rev$" gets "$Rev: 15 $" but
> "$$Rev$$" gets "15") This way one could comment everything with skeleton
> comments containing this keyword and would know that upon the next
> commit those keywords get replaced with their correct value - and then
> never again.
> What do you think?

Interesting idea. I'm not sure if that belongs in the standard keywords
plugin or not though. BTW, the keywords plugin is being built over the
top of a generic capability called "content filters". It will be quite
easy to provide one that does this. See the sample keywords plugin code
I posted to see how. You'd need to do something similar but just provide
a 'read converter' without a 'write converter' say.

Ian C.

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