Bazaar 1.5 debs uploaded to PPA

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon May 19 01:01:52 BST 2008

On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 4:31 PM, Martin Albisetti <argentina at> wrote:
> I've just finished uploading all the bzr 1.5 final deb's to PPA
> (

Thanks very much!

> This makes me wonder if we can take advantage of PPA's new copy
> feature, and just upload to one release of Ubuntu, copy it to the
> rest, and loose the ~hardy1 bit on the end, and just make it "bzr
> 1.5.0-1~bazaar1".
> Just to be safe, I uploaded each individually, but thought it was
> worth asking  :)

I used the copy feature last time; we should probably update the docs
to talk about this.

At the moment the packages for all distroreleases are the same except
for dapper, which uses python-support rather than python-central.  So
we do need to distinguish them.  If the same source as ~hardy is used
on every other version then ~hardy is not such a great name.  Maybe we
should call the dapper one ~dapper and leave this prefix off the
current version.

Note that edgy has now expired so you no longer need to upload to that.

It looks like Martin did upload his packaging info into etc which is
the correct place.

Martin <>

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