Unable to convert Subversion path … because it contains characters invalid in Bazaar.

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at benfinney.id.au
Sun May 18 11:04:15 BST 2008

Ben Finney <ben at benfinney.id.au> writes:

> bzr> checkout http://svn.wolffelaar.nl/lintian/trunk/ lintian.trunk/
> Unable to convert Subversion path testset/filenames/files/'\  because it contains characters invalid in Bazaar.

If I separately get the working tree, export it sans Subversion files,
and attempt to 'bzr init && bzr add', a related error occurs:

bzr> init .
bzr> add
added checks
added collection
added data
added testset/etcfiles/debian/control
added testset/etcfiles/debian/rules
added testset/filenames/debian/changelog
added testset/filenames/debian/control
added testset/filenames/debian/doc-base
added testset/filenames/debian/rules
added "testset/filenames/files/ .tif"
added "testset/filenames/files/".tif"
added "testset/filenames/files/'\ "
Invalid entry name: '\

The file entries are deliberately unusual; part of the purpose of the
program is to test for unusual stuff in a software package.

Is this a bug in Bazaar? Why should Bazaar reject filenames that are
valid for the filesystem?

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