[MERGE] Fix bug #229076 by fixing header names before sending the request.
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Sun May 18 08:58:32 BST 2008
>>>>> "john" == John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:
john> Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Never leave a FIXME without giving detailed explanations... or
>> you'll end up doing all the research work again :)
>> See patch for explanations, roughly,
>> python2.4/2.5/httplib/urllib/urllib2 internally capitalized
>> (User-agent) header names (or lowercase (user-agent) them, it
>> depends) when in fact at least one server/proxy on the earth
>> expect them to be titled (User-Agent) and abort connections
>> otherwise. Unfortunately, it is used by www.gnome.org* ;)
>> It turns out python2.5 urllib2 in some recent version (didn't
>> search which one exactly) fixed it by using title.
>> Unfortunately it did it in a function I had to override to handle
>> persistent connections (among other things).
>> Anyway, thanks for reading until here, I'm just being a bit
>> verbose to respect my introduction ;-)
>> Vincent
>> *: The bug is fixed, but I'm curious as a cat, so I'd like to
>> know what is being used there, any pointers greatly appreciated.
john> === modified file 'bzrlib/transport/http/_urllib2_wrappers.py'
john> --- bzrlib/transport/http/_urllib2_wrappers.py 2008-04-24 07:22:53 +0000
john> +++ bzrlib/transport/http/_urllib2_wrappers.py 2008-05-17 17:53:47 +0000
john> @@ -30,6 +30,10 @@
john> ~ And a custom Request class that lets us track redirections, and
john> ~ handle authentication schemes.
john> +
john> +For coherency with python libraries, we use capitalized header names throughout
john> +the code, even if the header names will be titled just before sending the
john> +request (see AbstractHTTPHandler.do_open).
john> ~ """
john> ~ DEBUG = 0
john> @@ -407,10 +411,6 @@
john> ~ _default_headers = {'Pragma': 'no-cache',
john> ~ 'Cache-control': 'max-age=0',
john> ~ 'Connection': 'Keep-Alive',
john> - # FIXME: Spell it User-*A*gent once we
john> - # know how to properly avoid bogus
john> - # urllib2 using capitalize() for headers
john> - # instead of title(sp?).
john> ~ 'User-agent': 'bzr/%s (urllib)' % bzrlib_version,
john> ~ 'Accept': '*/*',
john> ~ }
john> ^- You added the comment, but I see "Cache-control" rather than "Cache-Control"
john> and still have "User-Agent".
See above "For coherency with python libraries, we use
capitalized header names".
If I use 'User-Agent' (titled) here, the request will contain
'User-Agent: bzr-blah-blah' and 'User-agent: python-blah-blah'
(capitalized) because the internals checks are done with
capitalized or lower cased headers names.
Yes, this is messy.
No I don't intend to get rid of both urllib2 and
_urllib2_wrappers and provide an httplib2 implementation to fix
this bug ;-)
But yes, the more work-arounds I implement the more I'm tempted
to do so...
john> Otherwise
john> BB:approve
john> I'm also curious why gnome is being that strict,
Me too, martin said in the bug report it will contact mneptok, I
hope he can tell us.
I think this is a bug on their side that is worth fixing. But
without knowing what software is causing it, it's hard to report
such a bug.
john> I don't remember the spec being that strict.
It isn't. As Robert pointed out the spec says they are
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