Content filter sample: eol plugin

Talden talden at
Sun May 18 03:34:57 BST 2008

>  ====== ======================= ========================================
>  Value  Commit newlines as      On checkout, convert newlines to
>  ====== ======================= ========================================
>  exact  exactly as in file      No conversion
>  ------ ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
>  native lf                      crlf on Windows, otherwise lf
>  ------ ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
>  dos    crlf                    crlf on Windows, otherwise lf
>  ====== ======================= ========================================

So how do I force *.sh to LF when checked out on a Windows machine (IE
to include those files in an multi-platform installation image).
Similarly, how do I force *.bat to CRLF when checked out on a linux
box (for the same reason as for .sh).

It seems 'dos' should read "crlf always" and a 'nix' option should
read "lf always".  I must be missing something (though I am a little
jet-lagged in Austin a long ways from home in Hamilton New Zealand)...
'native' and 'exact' read as I'd expect them to.


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