Bazaar experimental branch removal (repost)

Guido Ostkamp bazaar at
Sat May 17 19:55:36 BST 2008

On Fri, 16 May 2008, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> To me it sounds like a good use case for lightweight checkouts of 
> branches stored on another machine.
> For example, at home I have a shared repository on my server "juju", and 
> then on my desktop I can do:
> bzr co --lightweight bzr+ssh://juju/srv/bzr/branch_a
> To create a new branch on the server, I can use push or branch, such as: 
> bzr branch bzr+ssh://juju/srv/bzr/branch_a \
>  bzr+ssh://juju/srv/bzr/branch_b

John, thanks for your hint.

Unfortuntely it doesn't help me much to have the repository data on 
another host, as this would also need to be a server where we run on a 

Also, I tried out the lightweight stuff locally, and found that commits 
done therein are directly stored in the original repo as soon as I use 
commit. This also means I cannot reclaim the space later when there are 
several branches in the repo and I need to get rid just off one branch.



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