[MERGE][bug #203186] Ignore passwords for ssh in authentication.conf and warn user

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri May 16 17:06:29 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
|>>>>> "john" == John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:
|     john> Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
|     john> ~         if credentials is not None:
|     john> ~             password = credentials['password']
|     john> +            if scheme is 'ssh':
|     john> +                trace.warning('password ignored in section [%s],'
|     john> +                              ' use an ssh agent instead'
|     john> +                              % credentials['name'])
|     john> +                password = None
|     john> ~         else:
|     john> ~             password = None
|     john> ~         # Prompt user only if we could't find a password
|     john> ~         if password is None:
|     john> ~             if prompt is None:
|     john> -                # Create a default prompt suitable for most of the
|     john> +                # Create a default prompt suitable for most cases
|     john> ~                 prompt = '%s' % scheme.upper() + '
%(user)s@%(host)s password'
|     john> ~             # Special handling for optional fields in the prompt
|     john> ~             if port is not None:
|     john> ^- Doesn't that 'if' check need to be:
|     john> if password is not None and scheme is 'ssh':
| Doh. I shouldn't code while sleeping.
| Are you ok with the message or do you have a better proposal ?

It is ok. Though if you are going to say "do XX" instead, I would sort of like
to have a "bzr help XX" topic available. Even if it is just a rough sketch of
what to do.

|     john> You should add a test that we *don't* issue a warning
|     john> if there is a user but no password.
| Done.
|     john> We also could use symbol_versioning.warn() which
|     john> already has some code to trap it rather than trying to
|     john> use the TestUIFactory.
| Using symbol_versioning looks so strange in that context, nothing
| is related to symbol versioning here, I don't think I get your
| point.

Just that the symbol_versioning.warn() is meant to be overridden by the test
suite for trapping warnings. (We use it for the callDeprecated stuff). I agree
it has nothing to do with symbol_versioning.

|     john> TestUI is ok, though.
| What is TestUI ? At first I thought it was some class I didn't
| know about, but grepping the sources hits only TestUIFactory >-/
| Anyway, the attached patch addresses the points I understood :)
|       Vincent

TestUIFactory is what I meant, I just was being lazy about typing.


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