Confusion over locations

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu May 15 16:25:37 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

One quick note. I think if you use checkouts instead of push/pull branches
things change a little bit again. I didn't quite follow everything you said. But
*I* use

with public_branch =
which is also a checkout of http://...

Locally, I have:

public_branch =
public_branch:policy = appendpath
submit_branch = $HOME/dev/bzr/

I also have
public_branch =
public_branch:policy = appendpath

Anyway, both bzr send and bzr pqm-submit pick up the right "public_branch".
Specifically, they use the local $HOME/dev/bzr/ to figure out what
patches are missing, etc, but they use the "public_location" in the merge directive.

I believe you could easily set this up in your case, as well. You just need to
set the "public_branch" location for your local mirror of upstream. And for your
local working branch, you set the "public_branch" to your upstream mirror of
your local work.


Barry Warsaw wrote:
| On May 14, 2008, at 7:06 PM, Aaron Bentley wrote:
|> Barry Warsaw wrote:
|>> Aaron went on to explain that afahk,
|>> submit_branch was used by merge, send, pqm-submit, '-r submit:' and an
|>> internal review-submit plugin.
|> I suppose I should also add that for at least 4 of these,
|> submit-location is used due to my influence :-)
| :)
|>> 'help merge'
|>> does say: "If neither is specified, the default is the upstream branch
|>> or the branch most recently merged using --remember".  Well, I would
|>> have thought the "upstream branch" would be the parent branch by
|>> default, or my-shared-repo in the example above.
|> merge previously did use the parent branch, and when I changed it, I
|> should have updated that documentation.  My apologies.
| Ah cool, np.
|>> Further, it's confusing to me that 'bzr merge' uses submit_branch but
|>> 'bzr pull' uses parent_branch.  In my own mental model of Bazaar, these
|>> two commands would calculate their default locations in exactly the same
|>> way.  Why is my model wrong?
|> Merge and pull are designed for two different relationships.
|> Pull is for mirrors-- a relationship where one branch is a copy of
|> another.  A good example would be my local mirror of  You
|> should always pull into a mirror, never merge into it.  If you updated
|> by merging, then you'd have to commit, and then you'd have a diverged
|> branch, not a mirror.
|> Merge is for diverged branches.  A good example would be my "bzr.ab"
|> branch, where I put fixes too small to merit their own branch.  You
|> should always merge into a branch, never pull into it.  If you pulled
|> into it and it succeeded, your local branch would become a mirror.  You
|> would lose your local point-of-view, so that log would no longer prefer
|> the revisions you'd committed, and their revnos would become dotted
|> revnos.
|> Can a branch be in both relationships at the same time?  Absolutely.  A
|> good example would be "bzr.ab", before I worked at Canonical.  I had a
|> copy on my computer at home, and a copy on my computer at work.  I would
|> use "pull" to mirror my changes from one computer to another.  And I
|> would use "merge" to integrate the latest changes from (my local mirror
|> of)  I think this is not an uncommon situation.
|> So that is why "pull" and "merge" do and should have different locations.
| That all makes sense.  I have a local mirror branch of upstream and all
| I ever do with is is pull from its remote parent.  The pull always seems
| to DTRT.
| What about a situation where you want to synchronize your divergent
| branch with your local upstream mirror?  Clearly you want to do a merge
| because your branch has diverged, but what is the most sensible default
| branch to merge from?  This is a very common use case for me, and
| overwhelmingly, I want to merge from the divergent branch's parent,
| which is my local upstream mirror.  I call this the "hack on my own
| stuff" use case.
| A second common use case for me is where I branch from my local upstream
| mirror, then merge a completely different remote branch into it.
| Although I'll rarely do subsequent merges, when I do, I almost always
| want to merge from the remote branch again, not the local mirror.  I
| call this the "look at someone else's code" use case.
| The difference in these two cases is that in the former, the very first
| merge I do will have no explicit branch argument, because I'm
| assuming/hoping it will automatically come from the parent branch.
| Here, I'll merge upstream fairly often to resolve any conflicts that
| have landed in the upstream branch by other developers.  My workflow in
| this use case is something like "branch upstream; hack; commit; hack;
| commit; push to remote divergent mirror; hack; commit; push; merge from
| local upstream mirror; resolve; commit; hack; commit; push".
| In the latter case though, the first merge happens almost immediately,
| to get the remote branch I want to look at.  I will always give merge an
| explicit url, because obviously there's no way for it to know implicitly
| the branch I want.  In this case, subsequent merges are very rare, but
| if they happen at all, I almost always want it to merge from the same
| url as I specified in the first merge, i.e. the other person's remote
| branch.  So in this case, the workflow is usually "branch; merge
| remote-url; maybe commit; maybe merge again but probably not".
| Why does merge by default choose the submit_branch?  When I think of
| "submit" I'm thinking about submitting the branch for review, or for
| pqm.  It's a request for a particular action that I'm making to someone
| or something else.  For me, that request is always to a remote mirror of
| my local divergent branch.  I can't understand why I'd ever want to
| merge /from/ that remote branch /into/ my local hacking branch, because
| it's never going to have anything in it that's not in my local hacking
| branch.  I've never needed to merge from that branch into my local
| branch.  What's the use case for that?
|>> ISTM that the most logical default
|>> location for 'bzr merge' is in fact parent_location, and that's almost
|>> always what I want.  Having to always override it is an annoying speed
|>> bump.
|> You shouldn't have to always override it.  I almost never need to.  (The
|> exception is when I accidentally cause two mirrors to become diverged,
|> and have to get them back in sync.  This used to happen occasionally
|> with bzrtools.)
|> Could you explain a bit more about why submit_branch is almost never
|> right for you?
| Actually, it's always only half right :).
| To submit my branch for review or pqm, I need it to be publicly
| available.  I do not publish branches from my own machine, and as you
| know, we have a shared work machine where we publish our branches to.
| When the branch is ready for review or pqm, we push a mirror of our
| local hacking branch to that remote machine.
| My review/pqm submit request must name this remote mirror so that my
| reviewer or pqm can find it and perform its action.  In accordance with
| 'bzr help pqm-submit' for example, I set my submit_branch to a remote
| branch which happens to be the parent branch of my local upstream
| mirror.  It looks to me that this submit_branch becomes the target of
| the star-merge command, with the source being the remote mirror of my
| local hacking branch[1].  Given my current mental model, that all makes
| sense.
| However, now you see the conflict!  To make the target of my pqm-submit
| inspired star-merge command be the right url, I have to set
| submit_branch to the remote parent of my local upstream mirror.  But of
| course, that means that a bare 'bzr merge' will also use that remote
| parent of my local upstream mirror by default, even though that's never
| what I want.  I want a bare merge by default to use my local mirror of
| upstream (not its parent, which is where submit_branch points), but I
| cannot set submit_branch properly to do so.
| Sure, I could use --remember but over time that's just going to end up
| littering my locations.conf file with scores of long-defunct branches,
| and I still have to remember to use --remember ;).  That's seems like
| the wrong solution.
| [1] There's an oddity to the star-merge target when I set submit_branch
| to my local upstream mirror.  In that case the target appears to use my
| public_branch, ignoring public_branch:policy.  That one I don't get and
| I can't see how that could possibly be correct.  Do you know why that
| happens?  Is this a clue to why things seem broken to me?
|>> You might say, well, just change submit_branch, but that's not quite
|>> right either.  What if changing that breaks 'bzr send', 'bzr pqm-submit'
|>> or some other vital command I don't yet realize also uses that
|>> variable?  The overloaded use of submit_branch is problematic because
|>> there's no way to really know what uses it, and even if I did, I suspect
|>> that the different commands will conflict in what they want it to be set
|>> to.
|> When I changed merge to use a different location from pull, I
|> contemplated adding a new location divorced from the submit_location.
|> At the time, I wasn't convinced that it was necessary for the default
|> merge location to be different from the submit_location-- they both
|> describe a "diverged branch" relationship.  I was leery of adding extra
|> configuration complexity, so I decided not to add an extra configurable
|> location.  So far, we haven't had many complaints on that front, but the
|> possibility of separating merge_location from submit_location is still
|> open.
| I would be in favor of that.  In one sense, you've traded the complexity
| of adding an extra configuration variable for the complexity of re-using
| an existing variable for multiple different (conflicting?) purposes.  At
| least for me, understanding the intertwined dependencies through
| experimentation and guessing is much more difficult than just having a
| single-purpose variable to make it do what (I think ;) I want.
| But of course, it could be that my mental model is broken, I'm being
| dense, I'm using the tools incorrectly/inefficiently, or any combination
| of the above. :)
| I appreciate your response!  I hope my explanation has made sense.  I
| can draw you some pictures if that would help.
| Thanks,
| -Barry
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