bzr, bzrtools, bzr-svn

Russel Winder russel.winder at
Thu May 15 13:42:49 BST 2008


There seems to be a big difference of content at those URLs, the bzr-svn
contains a complete branch of bzr-svn whereas the other contain only the
debian directory.

On Thu, 2008-05-15 at 14:28 +0200, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:

> Once you have a branch checked out, and if you have bzr-builddeb
> installed, it should simply be a matter of running:
> $ bzr builddeb
> And that's it.

Hummm... looks like I should bet really bleeding edge and find branches
of bzr and bzrtools rather than just using tarballs :-)

However, you instruction didn't quite work for bzr-svn:

|> bzr builddeb
Building using branch
at /home/users/russel/Repositories/Bazaar/Checkouts/Bazaar_Packaging/Bzr_Svn_Unstable
Running in merge mode
Building using working tree
Preparing the build area: ../build-area
Exporting to ../build-area/bzr-svn-0.4.10 in merge mode
Exporting upstream source from lp:bzr-svn, revision
jelmer at
Exporting debian/ part to ../build-area/bzr-svn-0.4.10
Building the package in ../build-area/bzr-svn-0.4.10, using
dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -rfakeroot
dpkg-buildpackage: set CPPFLAGS to default value: 
dpkg-buildpackage: set CFLAGS to default value: -g -O2
dpkg-buildpackage: set CXXFLAGS to default value: -g -O2
dpkg-buildpackage: set FFLAGS to default value: -g -O2
dpkg-buildpackage: set LDFLAGS to default value:
dpkg-buildpackage: source package bzr-svn
dpkg-buildpackage: source version 0.4.10-1
dpkg-buildpackage: source changed by Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
dpkg-buildpackage: host architecture i386
dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: build-essential cdbs (>=
0.4.43) bzr (>= 1.4~)
dpkg-buildpackage: warning: Build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied;
dpkg-buildpackage: warning: (Use -d flag to override.)
bzr: ERROR: The build failed.

This is undoubtedly something I have done wrong but...

Dr Russel Winder                 Partner

Concertant LLP                   t: +44 20 7585 2200, +44 20 7193 9203
41 Buckmaster Road,              f: +44 8700 516 084
London SW11 1EN, UK.             m: +44 7770 465 077
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