[MERGE] Fixes to 1.5 User Guide

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Thu May 15 04:12:08 BST 2008

Martin Pool has voted approve.
Status is now: Approved
I think this would be good for 1.5final.


(comment) Perhaps surprisingly, and smarter than many people and 
programs, rst excludes the final dot from the url.  But in general 
putting it into angle brackets might be better.

On the whole I think it would be better for project examples and URLs to 
be either completely real (projects that do use Bazaar and have public 
branches); or otherwise completely and clearly fictional (and I just 
read that example.com is specially reserved for such uses 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Example.com>)  That doesn't need to be 
done for this release and I guess there is some context behind this 
example, but I do think that would be better in future.

For details, see: 

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