Confusion over locations
Aaron Bentley
aaron at
Thu May 15 00:06:29 BST 2008
Hash: SHA1
Barry Warsaw wrote:
> Aaron went on to explain that afahk,
> submit_branch was used by merge, send, pqm-submit, '-r submit:' and an
> internal review-submit plugin.
I suppose I should also add that for at least 4 of these,
submit-location is used due to my influence :-)
>'help merge'
> does say: "If neither is specified, the default is the upstream branch
> or the branch most recently merged using --remember". Well, I would
> have thought the "upstream branch" would be the parent branch by
> default, or my-shared-repo in the example above.
merge previously did use the parent branch, and when I changed it, I
should have updated that documentation. My apologies.
> Further, it's confusing to me that 'bzr merge' uses submit_branch but
> 'bzr pull' uses parent_branch. In my own mental model of Bazaar, these
> two commands would calculate their default locations in exactly the same
> way. Why is my model wrong?
Merge and pull are designed for two different relationships.
Pull is for mirrors-- a relationship where one branch is a copy of
another. A good example would be my local mirror of You
should always pull into a mirror, never merge into it. If you updated
by merging, then you'd have to commit, and then you'd have a diverged
branch, not a mirror.
Merge is for diverged branches. A good example would be my "bzr.ab"
branch, where I put fixes too small to merit their own branch. You
should always merge into a branch, never pull into it. If you pulled
into it and it succeeded, your local branch would become a mirror. You
would lose your local point-of-view, so that log would no longer prefer
the revisions you'd committed, and their revnos would become dotted revnos.
Can a branch be in both relationships at the same time? Absolutely. A
good example would be "bzr.ab", before I worked at Canonical. I had a
copy on my computer at home, and a copy on my computer at work. I would
use "pull" to mirror my changes from one computer to another. And I
would use "merge" to integrate the latest changes from (my local mirror
of) I think this is not an uncommon situation.
So that is why "pull" and "merge" do and should have different locations.
> ISTM that the most logical default
> location for 'bzr merge' is in fact parent_location, and that's almost
> always what I want. Having to always override it is an annoying speed
> bump.
You shouldn't have to always override it. I almost never need to. (The
exception is when I accidentally cause two mirrors to become diverged,
and have to get them back in sync. This used to happen occasionally
with bzrtools.)
Could you explain a bit more about why submit_branch is almost never
right for you?
> You might say, well, just change submit_branch, but that's not quite
> right either. What if changing that breaks 'bzr send', 'bzr pqm-submit'
> or some other vital command I don't yet realize also uses that
> variable? The overloaded use of submit_branch is problematic because
> there's no way to really know what uses it, and even if I did, I suspect
> that the different commands will conflict in what they want it to be set
> to.
When I changed merge to use a different location from pull, I
contemplated adding a new location divorced from the submit_location.
At the time, I wasn't convinced that it was necessary for the default
merge location to be different from the submit_location-- they both
describe a "diverged branch" relationship. I was leery of adding extra
configuration complexity, so I decided not to add an extra configurable
location. So far, we haven't had many complaints on that front, but the
possibility of separating merge_location from submit_location is still open.
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