Using bazaar over email

Suraj Barkale suraj at
Wed May 14 21:59:58 BST 2008

    I want to use bazaar for syncing files over email with a remote site (most
of them are binary files). Initially, I am going to create a repository on my
PC, branch it locally (lets call this L) and send zipped branch folder over
email to the remote site (lets call this R).
    I will check in my modifications in L, create a patch file with repository
as the target and send the patch using email to be merged in R.
    As there is no public branch on the remote site, I don't know how to get
back changes from R. Is there a way of doing this (i.e. sending bundles without
public branch)?
    Is there a better method of doing this using bazaar?
Thanks & Regards,

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