Info Q article on DVCS - a request and some feedback

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Wed May 14 20:49:57 BST 2008

Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at> writes:

> On 0.95 at least (not their latest version admittedly), here's what I get:
>  $ mkdir renametest
>  $ cd renametest
>  $ hg init .
>  $ mkdir dir1
>  $ echo hello > dir1/greeting
>  $ hg add
>  adding dir1/greeting
>  $ hg commit -m "create dir1"
>  $ hg mv dir1 dir2
>  copying dir1/greeting to dir2/greeting
>  removing dir1/greeting
>  $ hg st
>  A dir2/greeting
>  R dir1/greeting
> So A=add & R=remove => hg 0.95 is tracking a dir rename as a series of
> deletes and a series of adds.

Reading "hg status --help" should help you understand your

I like the way bzr deals with renames, and I don't know why -C is not
the default for "hg status", but really, people should read the doc
before trying to compare tools.


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