Changing a commit message

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Tue May 13 23:08:12 BST 2008

There has been thoughts about history "annotation". Where you could  
add a comment to a specific revision. IMHO this would be the perfect  
way to solve this. The commit message is history that can't be  
changed, but you can add/remove/modify comments at any time.


Sent from my iPhone

On 2008 maj 13, at 22.51, "Wichmann, Mats D"  
<mats.d.wichmann at> wrote:

>> The commit message is part of the revision data.
> ...
>> A better way to change your way of thinking would be to accept that
>> the commit messages are part of history, that a VCS is designed to
>> record history, and abandon the idea of trying to change history.
> That's really a matter of interpretation.  It's just as easy to
> sit back and observe (ignoring the bzr implementation which binds
> them together) that the data is the history, the commit messages
> are comments /about/ the history, but are not necessarily history
> themselves.  History doesn't change, but comments about it change
> all the time, if you think about other contexts when we use the term
> "history".

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