updating checkouts with no upstream changes

Russ Brown pickscrape at gmail.com
Tue May 13 19:46:34 BST 2008

James Westby wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-05-13 at 07:32 -0500, Russ Brown wrote:
>> I think I actually prefer Stefan's solution: if update can't act with 
>> merges being needed, it should refer you to the merge command so you can 
>> get back in sync that way. At least that way you have to option to not 
>> bother with the update and carry on committing locally for a while 
>> before you do decide to merge.
> Hi,
> Can I ask what you think using bound branches (heavyweight checkouts)
> buys you in this situation? All that would be different if you were to
> switch to normal branches would be using "commit" instead of "commit
> --local", "pull" instead of "update", and "push" instead of "commit"
> without local, and you can always "bind" if you want to make several
> commits without having to push each one.

My expectation is that the other members of my team will use bound 
checkouts exclusively and will not want to use any distributed features 
at all. But having said that, if a feature is there you can guarantee 
that someone will try to use it... If any of them get inquisitive and 
something happens that they don't expect, I'll be the one who has to 
sort it out. :)

> Also, isn't there a distinction in bzr between the branch that is the
> default for "merge", and the branch that is default for "pull"? That
> would seem to either lead to problems if the user had the merge location
> set to something they didn't expect, or possibly needless extra 
> difference between the behaviour when a branch is bound and when it 
> isn't.

This goes beyond my knowledge of bzr at this point... :( I'm learning 

> However, using "merge" to do something that requires a merge is a 
> reasonable idea, and would perhaps make it clear what is happening.
> My feeling is that it creates too much friction elsewhere, but the
> change should be considered.

It is certainly one of those things that needs to be thought through 
properly, but equally I think the current behaviour is not ideal.

> Thanks,
> James

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