Error having upgraded from Bazaar 1.1.0 to 1.4

Kevin Light klight at
Mon May 12 17:43:48 BST 2008

----- "Kevin Light" <klight at> wrote:

> ----- "Matt Scarisbrick" <matt_scarisbrick at> wrote:
> > I've been using Bazaar 1.1.0 since it came out and have been very 
> > impressed I have to say. I'm running on Vista SP1 with my
> repository
> > on 
> > an Ubuntu box accessed via ssh (openssh server 4.2p1-7ubuntu3.3). 
> > Everything worked find in 1.1.0 but with 1.4 it just gives me:
> > 
> >  > bzr co sftp://.../repo
> > bzr: ERROR: Unable to connect to SSH host ...; EOF during
> negotiation
> > 
> > According to the server log it doesn't appear to even try to login.
> > Anyone got any ideas?
> I have one machine, running WinXP, that I has this problem since bzr
> 1.3.  Non of the other machines that I deal with exhibit this problem.
>  Downgrading to bzr 1.2 resolves the issue for me.  I couldn't find
> any other references to such an error so I assumed it was an
> interaction with something else on the machine (Putty, plink, WinSCP,
> etc...).
> I tried the self installer and python installer with both having the
> error.  I traced it a little bit before giving up and if memory serves
> I think it was giving up trying to figure out what method to use to
> make the ssh connection (for no apparent reason).

It turns out that this problem, for me, is due to another Python application showing up on the system path before bzr.  Upgrading bzr potentially causes the system path to be re-written, changing the placement of bzr to be at the end of the path.

You could try putting bzr at the front of your os path or at least ahead of any other non system locations.

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