Revised vim integration: vcsbzr.vim

Sabin Iacob iacobs at
Mon May 12 11:38:27 BST 2008

Martin Albisetti wrote:
> On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 5:44 PM, Neil Martinsen-Burrell <nmb at> wrote:
>> Vim's generic VCS integration plugin is VCSCommand.  Sabin Iacob posted here
>> that he had written an initial VCSCommand plugin for bzr support.  I've modified
>> his original to be a bit more bzr specific and reposted it to the VCSCommand
>> enhancement request where Sabin initially posted his version:
> Woo hoo!  Thanks for that/

me too; however, diff is broken for me with your version (says command 
failed), there may be some trickery needed here; I'll look into it when 
I get some time.

>> Hopefully the authors of VCSCommand will integrate this plugin into their system
>> soon.  Otherwise, it would be reasonable to host this on Launchpad under the bzr
>> team as part of efforts to improve IDE integration.

there seems to be no reaction from them whatsoever, and very little 
activity at all there anyway...

> Absolutely, or Launchpad even.

+1 for that

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