General usage questions

Neil Martinsen-Burrell nmb at
Fri May 9 21:39:29 BST 2008

Russ Brown <pickscrape <at>> writes:

> Is there a way to configure bzr diff to always pipe its output
> through colordiff? Some way to get it to pipe that through less
> (git-style) would be nice too. Indeed, git has a multitude of options of 
> colouring up output of various commands, but I haven't found any for 
> bzr. The shelf plugin does it very nicely. I personally find that 
> coloured output contributes greatly to clarity.

There is a cdiff command in the BzrTools plugin which does colorized diffs.  A
simple bzr alias (see of
diff to cdiff should force this to occur.  As far as paging the output, I think
you're on your own for sending output to a pager (that is, bzr aliases can't
contain references to non-bzr commands[yet!?])

> Next question... In svk, if a conflict is encountered when merging 
> between branches you are given a number of options, one of which is to 
> resolve the merge in a diff tool (meld, kdiff3 etc).
> Obviously, bzr merges work differently in that they are applied to your 
> working copy and committed manually, but what I'm looking for is some 
> way to easily invoke a given merge resolution tool for conflicts in the 
> working copy. Is there such a method?

As far as I can tell, this is not currently supported, but I do (vaguely)
remember seeing something about an interactive merge resolution process for bzr,
but I don't recall what context that was in.


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