Error having upgraded from Bazaar 1.1.0 to 1.4

Kevin Light klight at
Fri May 9 20:23:51 BST 2008

----- "Matt Scarisbrick" <matt_scarisbrick at> wrote:
> I've been using Bazaar 1.1.0 since it came out and have been very 
> impressed I have to say. I'm running on Vista SP1 with my repository
> on 
> an Ubuntu box accessed via ssh (openssh server 4.2p1-7ubuntu3.3). 
> Everything worked find in 1.1.0 but with 1.4 it just gives me:
>  > bzr co sftp://.../repo
> bzr: ERROR: Unable to connect to SSH host ...; EOF during negotiation
> According to the server log it doesn't appear to even try to login. 
> Anyone got any ideas?

I have one machine, running WinXP, that I has this problem since bzr 1.3.  Non of the other machines that I deal with exhibit this problem.  Downgrading to bzr 1.2 resolves the issue for me.  I couldn't find any other references to such an error so I assumed it was an interaction with something else on the machine (Putty, plink, WinSCP, etc...).

I tried the self installer and python installer with both having the error.  I traced it a little bit before giving up and if memory serves I think it was giving up trying to figure out what method to use to make the ssh connection (for no apparent reason).   

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