Bzr and DBus

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri May 9 16:41:16 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Russel Winder wrote:
| On Fri, 2008-05-09 at 10:21 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
|> We weren't complaining about 'dbus' the addon, we were complaining about 'dbus'
|> the plugin. We were unable to load the plugin because of a missing dependency.
|> We *could* spew the full import traceback every time we try to load the plugin,
|> but that is probably worse that "could not load". Maybe if we just printed the
|> last line of the traceback?
| I wonder if my set up is too specialized to worry over too much -- I was
| using the same account for both client and server and this led to some
| confusion about what was being written to the .bzr.log file because of
| the NFS mount.  In a less coupled situation the error message and
| reading the .bzr.log file may well be enough.
| I think therefore that apart from knowing which message comes from the
| server and which from the client, there may be enough feedback.
| I think what worried me more is why python-gobject was already loaded on
| my workstations but not on the server.  This is not a Bazaar problem per
| se, unless it is to do with package dependencies.

Yeah, I'm guessing there is a missing dependency in the .deb packages. Judging
by your final traceback, it seems that 'bzr-dbus' should be depending on


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