Questions about Bundle Buggy

Russ Brown pickscrape at
Fri May 9 16:34:35 BST 2008

Thank you both for your replies.

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Russ Brown wrote:
>>  3. Is it capable of dealing with more than one project (repository) at
>> once? For example, if our system comprise of several separate codebases,
>> each in their own shared repository (with multiple branches), can the
>> one BB installation deal with that?
> Bundle Buggy does not support multiple projects at the moment, but that
> is a feature I hope to introduce.

That would be fantastic. We're on the verge of migrating and need to 
make decisions about how to structure the code we have (which is 
currently in one monolithic subversion repository). My preference is to 
break it logically but we only want to do that if the tools are will be 
using (hopefully including BB) support it.

Then again, I suppose we could start with one repository and then split 
it up later as the tools support it.

>>  4. Can it handle requests to merge to multiple branches within the same
>> repository?

(From John's reply:)

 > BB only tracks patches to be merged. I believe it has to be set up as 
 > 1 queue per destination branch.

So does this mean if a new branch is created, there needs to be a manual 
action taken to 'register' the branch in BB? We're not sure yet if we'll 
be using BB to only handle the review of commits to mainline, or if our 
developers will need to get review on all branches. The answer to this 
question would likely have some bearing what we do there.

>>  5. Has anyone considered writing a Trac plugin that integrates BB into
>> trac? If not does anyone foresee any problems with such a project? It
>> would be nice to have everything under 'one roof'.
> I can't imagine that working very well, since BB and Trac have different
> web frameworks.

That's a shame: it would be nice to be able to integrate them since they 
don't seem to overlap at all and yet compliment each other nicely.

>> Apologies if these questions are answered elsewhere: I couldn't find
>> them, and I don't have time to experiment (play!) right now. :(
> There is a web site for Bundle Buggy here:
> It's not especially well advertised, and I apologise for that.

Ah, thanks. I hadn't found this.

For what it's worth, I recommend that you do advertise BB and shout 
about it a bit more: it's an excellent bit of work. :)

(Note that allowing integration into other tools such as trac would be 
an easy way to increase exposure... Just a thought!)

> Aaron
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> =STUx

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