[MERGE] [Bug 226769] Disable some strace tests

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed May 7 07:05:45 BST 2008

On Tue, 2008-05-06 at 18:10 +0200, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
> gives (far too much to paste here) 1089 tests reporting between 6
> and -9 leaked threads.
> The negative numbers are for garbage collected threads, which
> means the approach in the patch above is not reliable since some
> leaked threads may have been missed, but I think it gives a rough
> idea abouth the amount of work required to make your proposal
> usable :-/
> You're not seriously asking me to fix all of that ?

Mhmm. Not right now :). OTOH if they are all http/1.1 tests then perhaps
the author of that module could be persuaded :).

Lets raise XFAIL for strace tests if they encounter > 1 active thread.

Lets merge a patch which collects statistics on leaked threads from
tests, and reports at the end:
 - the number of tests where the thread count changed
 - the name of the first such test

Lets talk about http/1.1 - trailing gc is really not that good.

GPG key available at: <http://www.robertcollins.net/keys.txt>.
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