Bzr and DBus

James Henstridge jamesh at
Tue May 6 16:21:31 BST 2008

2008/5/6 Russel Winder <russel.winder at>:
>  > Do you mean you have the python-dbus package installed?  Maybe this is
>  > another bug to do with clashes between python-central and
>  > python-support?
>  Yes, I have the python-dbus package installed.  It is marked as
>  dependent (A in aptitude) and so is required by something, it is not a
>  package I installed explicitly.
>  I'm afraid I am the typical dumb user when it comes to package loading,
>  I try and let aptitude do all the work.

If you have python-dbus installed, then that error is a bit bizarre.

There are a few things that would be useful to know:

1. can you try running python and issuing the following two commands:

    >>> import dbus
    >>> import dbus.service

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