BzrFastImport selftest failed

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Tue May 6 10:45:31 BST 2008

Guido Ostkamp wrote:
> Hello,
> I got BzrFastImport through a
> "bzr branch
> command, since "bzr branch lp:bzr-fastimport fastimport" just hung
> (probably due to company firewall restrictions).
> After renaming and moving it to ~/.bazaar/plugins I tried the selftest,
> but it failed:
> Any ideas, what's wrong here?

Thanks for pointing this out.

Some time ago, I changed the constructor of the CommitCommand object
without changing the tests sorry. A fixed version of the test code has
now been pushed to Launchpad. If you now run "bzr pull" in the relevant
directory, you should get the fixed version.

Note that the code itself is good - it was "only" the tests that
exhibited the problem.

Ian C.

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