[MERGE] Running bzr from vim scripts gives 'unknown encoding warning'

Neil Martinsen-Burrell nmb at wartburg.edu
Mon May 5 18:03:37 BST 2008

I'm trying out the Bazaar integration in Vim using VCSCommand and 
vcsbzr.vim and I was getting the message

bzr: warning: unknown encoding . Continuing with ascii encoding.

before every command's output.  For whatever reason, with Vim 7.0 on Mac 
OS X 10.5.2, python was returning '' for locale.getpreferredencoding() 
which is not a valid codec, so we got the 'unknown encoding warning'. 
For such a non-informative encoding as '', I think we should just assume 
(as we do for None and 'cp0') that we should use ascii encoding and not 
complain (as the attached patch does).

A more philosophically appealing fix would be to find out what encoding 
vim wants and find out why that information isn't being passed on to the 
python subprocess and fix that underlying problem.  I have chosen an 
easier and less satisfying solution.

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An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed...
Name: encoding-check-change.patch
Url: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/attachments/20080505/6a69542a/attachment-0001.diff 

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