Bzr and DBus

Russel Winder russel.winder at
Mon May 5 07:30:41 BST 2008

I am getting the message:

Unable to load plugin 'dbus' from

with some but not all of my Bazaar commands (not with pull, info,
update, or status, but definitely with push and commit).  Is it obvious
what might be wrong in my setup:

bzr 1.3.1-1
bzr-builddeb 0.93ubuntu1
bzr-dbus 0.1~bzr34-1-bazaar1~hardy1
bzr-get 0.93.0-1
bzr-svn 0.4.9-1
bzrtools 1.3.0-2ubuntu1


Dr Russel Winder                 Partner

Concertant LLP                   t: +44 20 7585 2200, +44 20 7193 9203
41 Buckmaster Road,              f: +44 8700 516 084
London SW11 1EN, UK.             m: +44 7770 465 077
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