[MERGE] Fix non-rich to rich-root fetch

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Wed Apr 30 05:18:39 BST 2008

Aaron Bentley wrote:

> Whoops, forgot to remove versionedfile.

Thanks. Just some very minor comment tweaks to do while merging please.


> +        # Limit to revision present in the versionedfile


> +    def do_fetch_order_test(self, first, second):
> +    def test_fetch_order_AB(self):
> +        """See do_test"""
> +        self.do_fetch_order_test('A', 'B')
> +
> +    def test_fetch_order_BA(self):
> +        """See do_test"""
> +        self.do_fetch_order_test('B', 'A')

s/See do_test/See do_fetch_order_test/ * 2.

Ian C.

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