[PATCH] [Bug 209281] Re: Windows diff apps don't understand symlinks created by Cygwin bzr diff --using

Matt McClure mlm at aya.yale.edu
Tue Apr 29 15:47:31 BST 2008

On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 4:10 PM, Aaron Bentley <aaron at aaronbentley.com> wrote:
>  You haven't removed the tree/newname2.

Without newname2, test_prepare_files fails on Windows (and on Cygwin
with my patch to the code under test).  Maybe what I've done isn't the
right fix, but the test is broken before my patch.  See
https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/212289 .  Could you suggest a
better fix?

>  You also asked about the attrib change.  Yes, I am serious.
>  It seems to me that the test is about making sure that however the paths
>  are created, applications on the host can access them.
>  There's no need to make attrib behave vaguely like a diff program.  We
>  have other tests to make sure that diff-like programs can be invoked.
>  We should strive to test one thing at a time.

I'll change it back.

Thanks for all your feedback.


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