bazaar performance with single large project and a comparison with?git / mercurial

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Fri Apr 25 06:53:17 BST 2008

>>>>> "Stefan" == Stefan Monnier <monnier at> writes:


    Stefan> But when I need to investigate the history of a piece of code,
    Stefan> I basically need:
    Stefan> - bzr annotate
    Stefan> - from that output, figure out the rev where the lines where introduced.
    Stefan> - bzr diff and bzr log to see the corresponding change and log message.
    Stefan> - if the patch isn't actually the source of the code (e.g. it just
    Stefan>   reindents or makes some such unrelated change), I go back to
    Stefan>   "annotate" to figure out the previous commit, ...

Have you tried gannotate from the bzr-gtk plugin ? It offers back
and previous buttons which navigates the revisions of the current

    Stefan> [ BTW, I wish there was a command "bzr log-and-diff --lines N..M FILE"
    Stefan>   which would do just the above.
    Stefan>   See ]

Double-clic gives you access to the associated patch.

    Stefan> Each one of those commands takes in the order of
    Stefan> 1-2minutes.

gannotate use a cache for the revisions so you'd save a lot.

Regarding emacs/bzr integration, I noticed Can you tell me your feeling
about it both from a technical point of view and from an emacs
maintainer point of view ?


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