bzr status is silent on two disparate situations

Rahul Nabar rpnabar at
Thu Apr 24 23:22:57 BST 2008

Here's another cycle I find myself repeating often these days:

bzr status ~/foo
bzr log ~/foo
bzr: ERROR: Path does not have any revision history: ~/foo
bzr add ~/foo
bzr commit ~/foo
bzr status ~/foo

Ideally I'd wish to run a single:

bzr my_command file

file is being currently versioned?
    file up-to-date?
        die without a noise.

I'm thinking of writing a shell wrapper to do this but thought this
might be a pretty common situation that bzr might want to cover it
internally. I thought it somewhat non-intuitive that bzr status is
silent on two very different occasions (1) If a file is being
versioned and is up-to-date
(2) If a file is not being versioned at all!

When one edits a file  it'd be convenient to just do a quick bzr
status to see if a file is up-to-date-or-not AND  versioned-or-not.
Otherwise there's the risk of a newbie  seeing a silent bzr status and
assuming a file is up-to-date whereas in reality one just forgot to
bzr add it.

Just curious....


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