bazaar performance with single large project and a comparisonwith?git / mercurial

Wichmann, Mats D mats.d.wichmann at
Thu Apr 24 14:56:35 BST 2008

Torsten Bronger wrote:

> The unfortunate thing here is not so much Bazaar's performance per
> se in my option.  Before Git, nobody really cared about benchmarking
> VCS'es.  Well, at least this has become *much* more popular since
> then.  Fact is that even Bazaar is fast enough for >90% of the
> projects out there.

as someone who is in a situation that mostly falls into that
"<10%", I can say that there are people who care, whether or not
git benchmarks well.  some of these things just make work harder. 
it seems like a lot of the local-repository issues have gotten
better, I used to end up with small purely local commits occasionally
taking minutes, not seconds or fractions of a second (a repeat
shortly after that was usually just a few seconds).  that doesn't 
happen any more.   but we maintain a central "master" repository 
as well, and when it comes to syncing up changes there it can get 
horribly painful. This wasn't supposed to be a rant, just noting
that some 'o us care just for the sake of this being a useful tool.

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