why does bazaar not add a file automatically on the first commit

Wichmann, Mats D mats.d.wichmann at intel.com
Wed Apr 23 03:42:39 BST 2008

> (A more appropriate fix for this sort of thing is to have your test
> suite passing on mainline... just a thought)

It's not a bad thought; something could be doing sanity checks
during the upstream merge (we use pqm, but it doesn't do checks).
Just that would slow down a cumbersome process even more but
it doesn't make the idea wrong....

We do have automated tests, they run on the "head" branch 
but this was a case on an older (maintenace) branch so it
got missed.

Still, I prefer explicit to implicit on file removals.
The merge with any associated mandatory tests might happen
much later when the context is not so clear, I'd like 
complaints when the local commit happens.

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