branch: Repository KnitPackRepository is not compatible with repository KnitRepository

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Tue Apr 22 14:06:32 BST 2008

Aaron Bentley <aaron at> writes:

> Ben Finney wrote:
> > My assumption at the time was that if Bazaar supported it and
> > successfully converted to it, then the format would at least not
> > be a dead-end. That assumption proved unfounded.
> That format is not a dead end.  As I have said, I am working on
> resolving the issues you've encountered.

Appreciated. I misspoke in the above; I meant only to refer to the
current lack of upgrade path.

Anyway, I think my main point on the sequence of events is clear, and
to go on is to risk (further?) hard feelings where that's not

 \              “Our task must be to free ourselves from our prison by |
  `\     widening our circle of compassion to embrace all humanity and |
_o__)             the whole of nature in its beauty.” —Albert Einstein |
Ben Finney

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