Working tree content filtering & a proposed plan for eol support

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Wed Apr 16 23:46:55 BST 2008

Stefan Monnier wrote:
>> * keyword expansion
>> * tab <-> space conversion
>> * whatever.
> Could the "whatever" include operations that split files into multiple
> files (and merge them back later)?  E.g. the external format could be
> a Zip file but the internal format would be a tree of files.
> That could be useful for OpenDocument files.

Hmm - probably not in the first cut. Right now, the only bits I'm
tweaking are:

* how a file gets written to disk
* how a file gets read from disk
* how the sha is calculated, i.e. sha the internal format even
  though the external format is the one on disk.

It's certainly an interesting idea though and one I'd like to think
about more.

Ian C.

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