Synchronise SVN and bzr

Torsten Bronger bronger at
Wed Apr 16 05:31:09 BST 2008


John Arbash Meinel writes:

> Torsten Bronger wrote:
>> [...]
>> However, both the Bazaar trunk and the SVN repo contain *exactly*
>> the same files.  Is there a way to tell Bazaar that it can safely
>> push to and pull from the SVN repo again?
> Well, you can do "bzr pull --overwrite" to reset your local Bazaar
> branch to be the tip of your SVN branch.

Well, I'd prefer the other way round because my Bazaar history is
richer than the SVN's.  Unfortunately, this results in a "not
implemented" error.

> However, if it isn't finding a common ancestor it sounds like you
> might have a more serious issue (like the SVN UUID of the
> repository changing, etc.)

I only experience this with checkouts from the SVN.  If I try to
merge the SVN into a Bazaar branch or vice versa, it works (with
thousands of conflicts though).  Unfortunately, if I try to push the
result (all conflicts resolved with "revert .") back onto the SVN
repo, I get a traceback:

    SubversionException: ("File '/bobcat/trunk/src/' already exists", 175005)


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus
                                      Jabber ID: bronger at
               (See for further contact info.)

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