"Revision not present" when trying to resume a broken branch

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at benfinney.id.au
Tue Apr 15 13:13:09 BST 2008

Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> writes:

> Ben Finney пишет:
> > Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> writes:
> >
> >> Ben Finney пишет:
> >>> How can I get my repository in a state that I can branch
> >>> properly as described in this thread?
> >>>
> >> Don't use pack-0.92-subtree format for branches that don't
> >> require it.
> >
> > In what way am I "using" that format? I'm not specifying any
> > format in any of the commands I use.
> Obviously you ran in the past such command:
> bzr init-repo --pack-0.92-subtree
> Or maybe such command:
> bzr upgrade --pack-0.92-subtree

Yes, early last year, though I didn't know that it would cause such
problems when I did so.

> This command initialize (or upgrade) new shared repository with
> pack-0.92-subtree format and all branches inside this directory will
> use this format automatically.

Fine. So, back to the question: How can I get this repository to a
state that I can branch properly inside it?

 \      "When I wake up in the morning, I just can't get started until |
  `\     I've had that first, piping hot pot of coffee. Oh, I've tried |
_o__)                                 other enemas..."  -- Emo Philips |
Ben Finney

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