Bazaar fails with http transport on some servers

Robert Collins robertc at
Mon Apr 14 23:58:29 BST 2008

On Mon, 2008-04-14 at 15:17 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Thomas Christensen wrote:
> > I was asked by Stefan to investigate where is the bug: at savannah or
> > in bzr.  What do you think?
> I am inclined to think the bug is in Bazaar.
> If they were returning 403 for a GET, that would be unreasonable-- they
> shouldn't be choosing which files are permitted in .bzr.
> However, a GET of
> produces
> a 404, as it should.
> So it seems they're refusing the request because it is a POST request,
> and this is their prerogative; Bazaar should not require POST in order
> to fetch from plain http servers, just GET and HEAD.  Technically, they
> should be replying with 405, IIUC.
> I think Bazaar needs to accept a wide range of failures when determining
> whether the smart server is supported.  At least 403, 404, 405, 410.
> Possibly 500, 501, 503 as well (i.e. fallback to dumb operations if the
> smart server is broken).   But when doing normal operations, it should
> not use this broader list.

Full ack. 403 is ok-but-strange here.

bb:approve on the original patch, though a test would be ideal.

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