[MERGE] line-endings support: part 1 of 2: versioned properties

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon Apr 14 20:31:10 BST 2008

Neil Martinsen-Burrell пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Neil Martinsen-Burrell пишет:
>>> In fact, we could leverage some of the code, as well as some
>>> mental complexity by making the possible patterns in prop-set the same
>>> as the
>>> patterns in ignore.
>> Currently my code assume that filemasks should always start with '*'.
>> It's makes
>> the implementation much simpler.
> It certainly would make it much simpler, but I think at an added mental 
> cost for every user of patterns.  One would have to remember that 
> patterns in the properties files are restricted to a (very) limited 
> subset of the possible patterns that can be used in other parts of 
> Bazaar.  You are only using the requirement that the pattern start with 
> '*' to disambiguate between file-ids and glob patterns.  There must be 
> another way of doing this that is not so restrictive.  Once that is 
> done, you current implementation should work exactly as is.

Accepting only filemasks in the form '*.ext' is deliberate decision.
Because if I will allow to using something like:


Then I'll get potential problems with renames/moves. And I don't want to have this pain.

No, I think restriction for *.ext is right here.

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