[MERGE] line-endings support: part 1 of 2: versioned properties

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon Apr 14 18:03:46 BST 2008

Alexander Belchenko пишет:
> Nicholas Allen пишет:
>> bzr prop-set name1=value1 name2=value2 file1 file2 file3....
>> I like the equals sign because it makes it very clear what is a 
>> property name and what is a value on the command line and these cannot 
>> be confused with file names either.
> Does it means that equal sign is not allowed in filenames on Unix/Linux?
I just test it and it works for me on Windows. I can create new file
with equal sign in name:

C:\temp>python -c "open('a=b.txt', 'wb').write('foo')"

C:\temp>dir /b

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