[PATCH] [Bug 209281] Re: Windows diff apps don't understand symlinks created by Cygwin bzr diff --using

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon Apr 14 14:48:27 BST 2008

Matt McClure пишет:
> 2008/4/9 Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com>:
>>  It seems to me we want to add class TestPlatformLimit(TestSkipped) to
>>  tests/__init__.py and have it raise that.  (I realzie this is a bit
>>  offtopic for Matt's patch so we could do it later...)
> TestPlatformLimit sounds most appropriate, but since it doesn't exist,
> I left the condition as is in the test.


> I addressed Aaron's concerns.  I removed the timestamp parameter from
> tree.commit.  I extracted a host_os_dereferences_symlinks method and
> used that where appropriate.  I think it's not appropriate in the test
> itself since it would obscure that the test is otherwise still
> Windows-specific.
> I changed the test to make it use 'attrib' inside "the diff tool", and
> I renamed the test.  This should help clarify that the goal is to
> verify that the diff tool can read the files on both sides of the
> diff.

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