[MERGE] line-endings support: part 1 of 2: versioned properties

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon Apr 14 11:24:37 BST 2008

Nicholas Allen пишет:
> It's great to see that work is being done on this!
> I quickly read over the documentation and had some questions/feedback 
> regarding the pattern matching of file names to properties. Are these 
> only used when I "bzr add filename" at which point bzr looks up what 
> automatic properties to set on the added file(s) and then updates the 
> property file to include a section for each file id that was added with 
> the properties defined in the wildcard section?

No, they are used as is. I don't want to add new copy of the same properties
to each new file: imagine the kernel size tree with 20K files. Filemasks
is used to match filename in runtime.

E.g. if you have many C-files then you need to set only one property section

bzr prop-set *.c foo bar

and all C-files will use the same value 'bar' of property 'foo'.

Now if you need to set property 'foo' in different value only for one file spam.c
you need to run:

bzr prop-set spam.c foo boo

And next time bzr will use 'boo' for spam.c and 'bzr' for all other C-files.

> Personally, I think it would be better to have a separate file for 
> "automatic properties" that are set when adding files (by matching them 
> with a file name pattern) but which do not apply to files that have 
> already been added and are under version control.

I think we don't need such "automatic properties" at all.
It's not svn properties, it's bzr properties.

> Also I think the problem with conflicts in this file would be a bit 
> annoying. New properties will be added at the end I guess and so if 2 
> branches set properties (even on different files or different 
> properties) this will cause a conflict. I realize this is a limitation 
> of your simple approach but I wonder if this would be too annoying to 
> use in practice. Especially, as bazaar has the automatic gatekeeper as a 
> workflow - I think this would cause unnecessary conflicts that would 
> make this workflow not useable anymore because the gatekeeper could not 
> automatically resolve all these conflicts.

I expect that file with properties will not be changing too often, as I explain
above new copy of properties will not be auto-added for every new file.

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