[MERGE] repository streaming api #2

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Apr 14 02:04:01 BST 2008

On Thu, 2008-04-10 at 22:14 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Aaron Bentley has voted approve.
> Status is now: Approved

Thanks for reviewing this. I found when I went to make use of the draft
api in anger that it wasn't abstracted enough to allow sort of 'include
compression parents behind the scenes' use case I had hoped it would
(the streaming-fetch-and-convert-to-rich-root use case).

The following incremental change will I think:

=== modified file 'doc/developers/repository-stream.txt'
--- doc/developers/repository-stream.txt	2008-04-11 01:50:17 +0000
+++ doc/developers/repository-stream.txt	2008-04-14 00:55:43 +0000
@@ -155,30 +155,34 @@
 Each record has two attributes. One is ``key_prefix`` which is a tuple
 prefix for the names of each of the bytestrings in the record. The
 attribute is ``entries``, an iterator of the individual items in the
-record. Each item that the iterator yields is a two-tuple with a
-dict and the compressed bytestring data.
+record. Each item that the iterator yields is a factory which has
+about the entry and the ability to return the compressed bytes. This
+factory can be decorated to allow obtaining different representations
+example from a compressed knit fulltext to a plain fulltext). 
 In pseudocode::
   stream = repository.get_repository_stream(search, UNORDERED, False)
   for record in stream.iter_contents():
-      for metadata, bytes in record.entries:
+      for factory in record.entries:
+          compression = factory.storage_kind
           print "Object %s, compression type %s, %d bytes long." % (
-              record.key_prefix + metadata['key'],
-              metadata['storage_kind'], len(bytes))
+              record.key_prefix + factory.key,
+              compression, len(factory.get_bytes_as(compression)))
 This structure should allow stream adapters to be written which can
 all records to the type of compression that a particular client needs.
-instance, inserting into weaves requires fulltexts, so an adapter that
-applies knit records and extracts them to fulltexts will avoid weaves
-needing to know about all potential storage kinds. Likewise, inserting
-into knits would use an adapter that gives everything as either
-knit records or full texts.
-bytestring metadata
-Valid keys in the metadata dict are:
+instance, inserting into weaves requires fulltexts, so a stream would
+adapted for weaves by an adapter that takes a stream, and the target
+weave, and then uses the target weave to reconstruct full texts (which
+all that the weave inserter would ask for). In a similar approach, a
+stream could internally delta compress many fulltexts and be able to
+answer both fulltext and compressed record requests without extra IO.
+factory metadata
+Valid attributes on the factory are:
  * sha1: Optional ascii representation of the sha1 of the bytestring
    delta reconstruction).
  * storage_kind: Required kind of storage compression that has been
@@ -190,6 +194,7 @@
  * key: The key for this bytestring. Like each parent this is a tuple
    should have the key_prefix prepended to it to give the unified
    repository key name.
    vim: ft=rst tw=74 ai

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