bzr-svn branching schemes

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Fri Apr 11 14:39:37 BST 2008

Am Freitag, den 11.04.2008, 08:21 -0500 schrieb Russ Brown:
> Jelmer Vernooij wrote: 
> > On Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 03:54:38PM -0500, Russ Brown wrote:
> >> I was hoping for some scheme that would simple recognise 'all copies of  
> >> trunk (recursive)' as being branches, since that would work in our case  
> >> (and most others I'd imagine too).
> > That would kill performance as it would have to analyse history time
> > and again.
> Wouldn't it only have to do that when first downloading a revision that 
> is at root a directory copy? But then I suppose at that point we're 
> talking about the branch following you describe below.
No, it has to do this sort of analysis all the time when interpreting
paths from Subversion (

> >> Looking at, I suppose I could use the 'list' scheme, but that  
> >> involves fiddling that I'm sure my colleagues won't be too happy about  
> >> having to do. I also can't find any details on how to use it: could  
> >> anyone provide any?
> > The "bzr svn-branching-scheme" command allows you to query and set the current
> > default branching scheme. Please note though that changing it will
> > change the revision ids used and will therefore break existing
> > conversions you have ("Diverged Branches").
> > 
> > I do have plans to get rid of the branching scheme stuff and just
> > follow branch copies but that's probably not going to happen until bzr-svn 0.5. 
> > See bug 130372 for details. 
> > 
> That's fantastic, and sounds like it will cover our situation completely.
> Do you have any ballpark rough estimate as to when 0.5 might land? No 
> rush, just want to be able to plan ahead a bit.
I'm really not sure. My best guess would be 4 months, but it'll be
something between 1 and 7.



Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> -
Jabber: jelmer at
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