[MERGE] Split TransportConfig out of TreeConfig

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Apr 10 05:10:23 BST 2008

On Fri, 2008-04-04 at 14:16 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all,
> While the notion of stacking locally by default has proved
> controversial, the idea of allowing remote hosts to suggest stacking
> policy has not been.
> So here is the first patch on the road to implementing support for that.
> It splits the low-level responsibilities of TreeConfig out into a new
> TransportConfig class.  TransportConfig simply maintains persistent
> storage of name/value pairs.
> The ultimate purpose of this is to use TransportConfig as the basis for
> a new BzrDirConfig associated with BzrDirs.  The initial implementation
> of BzrDirConfig simply supports set_default_stack_on and
> get_default_stack_on.
> A possible future responsibility would be the make_working_tree setting
> that is currently associated with repositories.  Repositories are meant
> to be a storage optimization only, and having them control whether
> working trees are created violates that concept somewhat.


TransportConfig would benefit by saying in its docstring that it stores
data on a Transport for a given file.. perhaps something like:

class TransportConfig(object):
    """A Config that read/writes a config file on a Transport.

    It is a low-level object that considers config data to be name/value pairs
    that may be associated with a section.  Assigning meaning to the these
    values is done at higher levels like TreeConfig.

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